Sure-Chek™ Vinyl Shower Curtains

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Product Overview


Sure-Chek™ healthcare fabrics offer “clean-in-place” convenience. The flame resistant, vinyl, linen-like fabric, should be cared for periodically. Do not use harsh cleansers or solvents. It is not recommend to launder the fabrics since laundering may substantially decrease the useful life of these fabrics. See the “Synthetic Washing Procedure for Coated Fabrics” for recommended wash and rinse procedures.



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  • Fire Resistant: Sure-Chek fabrics resist combustion and will self-extinguish when the source of flame is removed. Approvals and registrations include every major fire regulatory agency.
  • Bacteria Resistant: A patented controlled release system continually sends the bacteriostatic agent Microban inBin to the fabric surface, reducing the growth of bacteria. This built in protection lasts the life of the fabric. It is not a superficial treatment.
  • Stain Resistant: Most oils, greases, mildew and contaminants may be wiped off with soap, water or mild cleansers. Curtains are easily cleaned in place and maintain a fresh look.
  • Antistatic: Sure-Chek fabrics are specially formulated with an enduring antistatic property, inAnstatin. It prevents the build-up or retention of electrostatic charges that could interfere with the functioning of sensitive life support equipment.
  • Self-Deodorizing: Sure-Chek fabrics are both self-deodorizing and self-sanitizing. Objectionable organic odors are decreased as a result of the active protection against odor-forming bacterial growth on fabric surfaces.
  • Decorative: Sure-Chek fabrics offer an attractive selection of contemporary colors with a crisp linen finish.
  • Durable: Sure-Chek fabrics are incredibly strong, withstanding severe wear and abuse. Extra strength and tear resistance mean extended curtain life.
  • Economical: Lower replacement costs, less inventory, minimal care and maintenance all add up to true economy. Cost-conscious buyers specify high performance Sure-Chek fabrics for their cubicle and shower curtains.
  • Guaranteed: All special performance properties are fully guaranteed for the useful life of the curtains.

    Track & Curtain Measure Form
    Print our Measure Form, fill out the track and curtain information and fax it back to 781-767-9544. A customer service person will be able to get you a quote based on your measurements.Measure Form (PDF)
    Measure Form (DOC)

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