Product Overview
Sven Can See?�� is above all else, a safety product. Compromised vision is a hazard: on the job, outdoors on a hike, or under water. Clean lenses and clear lenses make seeing easy. What do we mean when we say Sven Can See?�� is The Safest Way To See?��? We mean that you have two options: taking off debris and UV protection in order to see or keeping lenses on at all times. Clearly, keeping eyewear protection on is safer. Sven Can See?�� ensures you can keep those lenses on for safety.
- 0.338oz/10mL pen-like applicator
- Kid friendly
- No Isopropyl Alcohol
- Anti-Bacterial
- 100% Scent Free
- Can be used on a Smartphone
- 100% Money-Back Guarantee*
- For Use On:
- All Polycarbonate Lens Types
- Sporting Goggles
- Prescription Lenses
- Sunglasses
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No problem! Experts are here to help you every step of the way. You can give us a call or chat with us directly.
(800) 791-2946

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