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US Markerboard Sponsors NPR’s TED Radio Hour!

May 11, 2024

The next time you download NPR’s TED Radio Hour podcast with Guy Raz, you may hear a familiar name: OURS!

“Support for this NPR podcast and the following message come from US Markerboard. US has the custom whiteboards and glassboards you need to design that perfect team collaboration space.”

We’re excited to announce US Markerboard recently became a sponsor of NPR and their breakout podcast, TED Radio Hour. TED Radio Hour is a joint production podcast with NPR and TED focusing on talks given by riveting speakers on the world-renowned TED stage. With over 10,800,000 downloads a month from an amazing following of thought leaders and provokers, we wanted to meet you where you were. It’s clear to us that our top products, such as whiteboards and glassboards, were made for this audience.

“We strive to be innovative, and that means at times going the untraditional route to reach our audience. We have the brightest and most innovative customers out there. We knew that we would be able to find them on NPR’s TED Radio Hour podcast” says company founder and CEO Scott Newman.

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started as a four-day conference in California 25 years ago. TED has grown into a world-wide platform for discovering and spreading those world-changing ideas via innovative thought leaders and provokers.

Click here to checkout NPR’s TED Radio Hour and download any podcasts that may inspire you!

Want to find out more about the whiteboards and glassboards we’re talking about? Click here!

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