Gone are the days of school librarians shushing you as you quietly discuss something with your partner. Schools across the country are embracing the changes in technology and learning, switching from the traditional model of a book laden library to a more dynamic and modern Media Center.

We’ve been in several of these Media Centers in K12 schools and colleges. It’s impressive and heartening to see students sitting in collaborative spaces, sharing ideas, doing research, and getting excited about the space they’re in.
To make it easier for your school to switch over to this model, or upgrade what you have, we’ve compiled a short list of some products that may help steer you in the right direction!

Glassboards are the next big thing in writing surfaces across all industries. They look great, don’t ghost, and are just as versatile as whiteboards. You can project on them, have graphics and logos on them, or have concealed mounting hardware. When it comes to a Media Center though, we think having the projector friendly glassboard makes the most sense.

Being able to shift around furniture quickly so students can get into groups means having furniture that fits together, moves on wheels, and is lightweight. These desks are a great addition to any Media Center.

Put some of these tables near a window. Students will be flocking to them to work in pairs and discuss their project, or their favorite Netflix show. Either way, it’s a mature and versatile seating option that is sure to attract everyone.

Chromebooks are becoming the next big thing in technology at schools as districts switch to a 1:1 model of teaching and learning. Make it easy to move those tablets around and have a secure and easy charging station on the go.

Don’t worry- we would never forget the books! Instead of keeping books in the center of the room, line the walls with varying height bookcases. Consolidate and offer the latest books if you can get donations from your community. Hold a book swap at your school, freshen up your shelving, and you’ll have students checking out those books again like it’s 1999!

Media Centers are all about collaboration and team building. They’re a think share space. Embrace that model-ask for student and staff opinions- and you’ll be amazed at the difference in traffic your new Media Center will be getting over the traditional library.